His Dark Materials- Phillip Pullman

Another cheat, cos this is a trilogy. 

The books are YA, as are a few of my favourites. I wonder why that is? Huh…..


The books are, for the most part, set in a parallel universe. It’s very similar to ours by and large. My favourite part is that people’s souls live outside their bodies as animals, known as deamons.  When they’re children the animal changes depending on mood however they settle to one animal during puberty. What this animal is tells you something about the person. For example, a lot of servants have dogs. 

This led me into thinking about what mine would be. And it’s a cat. I’m more like a cat than a person quite a lot of the time. 

Past that, the books deal with death, with realising parents are people too, with doing the ‘right’ thing, love, and friendship. They’re beautiful, best read in one go. But if you’re planning on it, don’t read the last 3rd of the last book in public. 

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